Shuttle services are available and should be booked directly with the Dall'Onder Viagens & Turismo travel agency. You must provide your full name, Brazilian ID or passport number, and flight details (departure/arrival time, flight number, airline) to book any shuttle service.
The payment must be by bank deposit, PIX, or credit card in advance.
Phone +55 54 3455 3570
Mobile & Whatsapp: +55 54 99664 2285
Bank details
Bank (banco): Sicredi
Branch (agência): 0167
Checking account number (conta corrente): 73451-8
Account holder (favorecido): QUE TAL AGENCIA DE VIAGENS
PIX: 25.199.693/0001-14 (CNPJ)
A copy of the bank receipt should be sent to
Service provided as pre-scheduled trips by bus. You must book this service within 48 h in advance.
Porto Alegre International Aiport (Salgado Filho Airport) X Bento Gonçalves (Dall'Onder Grande Hotel)
Monday, September 12, 2022.
Scheduled departures: 09:00; 12:00; 15:00
Cost: R$ 99,00 (per passenger)
Bento Gonçalves (Dall'Onder Grande Hotel) X Porto Alegre International Aiport (Salgado Filho Airport)
Friday, September 16, 2022.
Scheduled departures: 07:00; 10:30; 12:30
Cost: R$ 99,00 (per passenger)
Trips using a taxi with up to 3 passengers. You must book this service at least 24 h in advance.
Cost: R$ 390,00 (per route)